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In Which I Whine…..I’m Sooooo Tired

Ummm good morning???


NO this is not a me without makeup post…this is a me without any good sleep over the last 48-72 hours post. Yes my hair is sticking up because well quite frankly I didn’t get a shower yesterday because God forbid Squishy be out of my sight for oh 5 minutes….

and I have another confession to make…I ate dinner the other night sitting on the toilet(lid closed of course) because the only other place Squishy was happy besides my arms was the bathtub.I ate my Carl’s Jr spicy chicken sandwich on the toilet…and yes it was good.(because let’s face it…cooking dinner was NOT gonna happen.)

It’s not that Squishy is being clingy…ok yes, yes she totally is,but at least when I hold her she’s happy. Most the time I’m happy too…unless it’s 5:30 in the morning and she has been on my boob most the night like a tick to a hound dog. Hmmm who knew I turned redneck when tired?

Where was I?Oh yes 5:30 in the morning where every time I would lay Squishy down she would bounce back up to the sitting position like a weeble wobble,and then put her arms up and cry.Pick her up and TADA crying over…give her some jug juice and zzzzzzzz back to sleep.

That’s when the grumpies snuck in a bit…the one thing I do when I’m grumpy is impersonations.Usually,of the people making me grumpy.So here I am pacing the floor hoping she’ll fall back to sleep,because my nipples are SORE and under my breath,or in my head, mimicking all the wonderful things B has said about our baby.

“She’s such an easy baby.”

Yeah because you don’t have to take the night shift and you sleep upstairs so you don’t hear anything…

“She’s the easiest baby I’ve had.”

Ha you think this is easy?Holly was a piece of cake.

Me: grumble grumble….I’m so tired I should go wake him up right now and let him take her over….I’m grumpy and tired and really just want 5 minutes of my arms to myself. If I had my arms to myself right now I would be making huge windmills….(yes yes I was a bit sleep deprived can you tell?)

Then I thought better of it. I was not going to go wake up the man who has been pulling 12 hour swing shifts all week,not getting home till 4:30 in the morning.All just so I can stay home with the kiddos. That would get us nowhere…he’s just as tired if not more,he’s been working his butt off.

So then I just start laughing….because that’s the other thing I do when I’m tired…I lose it. Hey at least I wasn’t crying.I took a step back and thought is it really that bad? Yes I have A TON of things I need to get done,but Squishy has been equally busy the last few days…crawling,pulling herself up on things,and even letting go to lunge for my legs.Soon enough she’ll be totally independent of me and I’ll be whining for another baby.

So Squishy and I settle down for a little more sleep time.I try to push the thought of all I have to do yesterday out of my mind,and accept the cold hard truth it is not going to get done.B does take her when he wakes up,and I’m able to get a couple things done before the poor guy has to rush off to another long night at work.

I really shouldn’t complain too much.Life is good. If I only have one or two of these nights every other month she really might be the easiest baby I’ve had yet.

Just PLEASE SOMEONE let me get a SHOWER!!!!

Then maybe we’ll talk about having another one…….