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Tit For Tat…Weekend Mash Up

I understand why yesterday was a holiday but to have yet another day off this soon after the longest of Christmas Breaks EVER seemed like a cruel joke to me! It’s not like I was wanting the kids to go back to school since I homeschool most of them…I just wanted a normal weekend followed by a normal Monday. Yes remember I THRIVE on Mondays.

Ok so maybe sometimes a break from the norm is not a bad thing. At least not where my kids are concerned. Friday we went to a homeschool get together at my friends house with about 6 other moms and what seemed like oh 100 other homeschoolers…

The younger girls ran around the house scaring each other and eating cookies.

The boys hunkered down in one room to play Beyblade

And the preteen/teen girls well…they all hung out in a room giggling and laughing,talking about music,hanging out,and probably boys.

Oh yes and us mothers sat around the table drinking our quadruple shot lattes,and enjoying our mother time. I joked that I hadn’t been able to fit in a shower since Monday,until that morning. In reality I wasn’t joking…so I was just enjoying a reason for putting on jeans instead of yoga pants,and doing my makeup and hair.

The most fun part of it all was that after the event(which lasted till 5 in the evening) we were bringing the hostesses(my friend) daughter home with Kenna and my Holly was going to stay the night there with her other daughter and son. The girls had been looking forward to this all week.

But as we soon realized spending only one night,after being gone most of the day,was not nearly a long enough visit for our friend. After driving back home to drop her off Saturday both of us moms decided to just leave the children how they were and we’d switch back to normal on Monday.

I know some of you might think I’m crazy. It was fun though switching up one kid for another. By yesterday though I really just wanted my Holly back….although I would’ve kept the friend as well!

Most nights we have Kennas’s best friend here as well. She has just become a permanent part of the family. So it’s like having 8 kids…and I love it!

So I would call this weekend a success. I got just the right amount of momma time balanced with a fun weekend for all!