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This Friday moment brought to you by….AWWWWW that’s so sweet.

We affectionately have started calling this week in our month Hell Week. It’s the week where we see how many Dr appointments we can cram into one week. Last month it was 3 this week it was only two. On top of Dr appointments the kiddos usually need to go somewhere or we’re having friends over. I don’t know why we think it’s best to cram it all into one week but well we do!

Yesterday was my first Dr appointment. just my regular monthly check up. Nathaniel usually oversees school and the house for me while I’m gone. I’m so proud of the way he has really stepped up in this area. I never hear him complain and I always ask him first if it’s ok. He always answers with an “Of course mom.”

But every once in awhile I can tell he’s totally over babysitting because I’ll receive a text that says…

Are you almost done?


When are you going to be home.

Yesterday after our regular DR apt B and I ran to the grocery store and then to get gas. On my way to get gas the text came through saying

“Are you almost home?” Nathaniel

I admit it I got a little persnickety because I really had been home all week and was kind of enjoying my time with just B for a bit,even if it was only running errands. So I called Nathaniel and asked him

“Why are you asking if I’m coming home?Is everything okay?What’s going on?”

To which he replied,


“So why did you call?” (I get it the kid’s a talker…he gets it from me.)

“I’m just missin ya that’s all.”

And the big giant sign saying MOST SELF CENTERED MOTHER EVER appeared over my head.

A smile crept over my face as I promised him I would be home soon.

Even though he can be a mouthy teenager at times I see the kinder gentler side of him more often than not. That kid makes me so proud.

And now let’s all say it together shall we?