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Beautifully Nuerotic

I called to talk to my mom yesterday and my dad answered. I couldn’t help myself and told him,

“Hey dad did you know your daughter is neurotic?” To which dad answered

“Huh?” (rarely do we say hello when I call)

“Did you know your daughter is neurotic?” I asked again. I heard him switch gears into sarcastic daddy as he realized I must be talking about a previous discussion I had and he answered dryly with a chuckle,

“Well I had my suspicions.”

Thanks dad,thanks a lot.

I have been accused of filtering B through my exes.(this when I brought up concerns about our relationship) I fought doing that for a long time. Giving everyone their fair shot. However, when certain behaviors keep reappearing, you can only overlook it for so long.Apprearnatly this makes me neurotic, because I over think and over analyze things.

As the Facebook saying that is going around says,

You can only make the same mistake once,

After that it’s a choice.

Yeah I know it’s only Facebook but that stuck with me over the last couple of days. If this makes me neurotic so be it.

I will be beautifully neurotic.

The end of a relationship is never fun, but it happens. For someone so neurotic….I’m amazingly calm. I do not feel like this is the be all end all.

I will pick myself up, dust myself off and at some point….try again.