The new blog is up!

After some screaming and crying and waking up at 4 am to put just a simple new blog layout and blog button together it is up! This will be my last post on Twisted Domestic Goddess. You can now find me over at

Munchkins and Mayhem at Casa La Crazy

Twisted has been a fun blog but like I said before times they are a changin….and it was time for me to switch up! I really hope you’ll hop over there read my first post,leave me some love and come back for more!

Munchkins and Mayhem at Casa La Crazy



See you at Casa La Crazy friends!


What we learned this year!

We have been busy wrapping up the school year here at Casa La Crazy! Oh my what a year! I know we studied a lot of different things but even I would you give you the automated, “I don’t know,” answer when you ask me what we learned from our books.

It was definitely a hands on kind of learning year for all of us! So this year I do believe we all learned:

– sleep…get it now before you NEVER get it again

– how to change a diaper in 30 seconds or less

-When momma yells “All hands on deck!” You come runing with a towel and an endless supply of baby wipes and be prepared to distract an Adrienne while another runs back and forth fetching yet more wipes,a new outfit,or the garbage can.

– That momma can go approximately 3 days without a shower before people in the house,and yes it was a boy even,start to complain that you smell.

– Reading to the rest of the group with a baby nestled in your arms is still the sweetest thing EVER!

-One crawling inquisitive baby = no one ever sitting still

– Even the 8 year old can make a full dinner for a family of 9!

– Chickens and Ducks are probably one of the funnest science lessons known to man.

– The art of room design as we switched up rooms for the 3rd time in a year.

– 7 year old are not too young to do the dishes

– A reminder in thankfulness in modern technology as we lived without a dishwasher for 3 months.

-Visitors ….oh be did we have visitors and they all were welcomed with open arms.

– Trying out new thing. I will admit when Kenna came to me saying she wanted to try some new ways in schooling I never drempt it would include the kids going to school part time. So far so good and we’re looking forward to next year!

-Every single kid in the house learned how to make momma a pot of coffee.

-How to help out our sister after she has had leg surgery

-How to be grateful for other’s help even when we have a hard time accepting  it.


There have been so many changes and growing opportunities this school year! I have watched all the kids grow leap and bounds and am so proud of each one of them. Along with the growth and change that has occurred I have come up with new ideas on how to make next year better.

I have also begin working on a new blog. The whole format will focus more on homeschooling, life in a blended family, and well what life is really like here at Casa La Crazy. I started Twisted Domestic Goddess after a huge move as a single mom from Arizona to Washington State. I feel like I have outgrown this blog and am ready for a new one that focuses on the family life of 7 ,possibly more,kiddos. It is still in the design stages but I hope soon it will be ready!

I promise to keep you all posted of the new changes!




Exhaustion….The Good and The Bad

Not much time for blogging lately. I miss it but always seem to have about 20 other things going on,even at 4 in the morning.

Being the director and producer of Casa La Crazy has meant at times I feel pulled in a million different directions. So many changes going on,but all for the good. I woke up yesterday in an emotional funk. I wanted to be happy but truth is I was EXHAUSTED!

When someone asked me how I was yesterday and I told them tired they looked at me as if I had sprouted a third eye. Why is it that it’s ok for people to comment to you saying they don’t know how you handle it all,but when you admit every once in awhile(and trust me I must have been exhausted to actually admit I was tired),that you are tired they don’t understand why.

In fact someone actually asked,”Why” yesterday.

Which then makes me feel like I should be able to handle this whole big family life without being tired. I mean we the parents are the ones that chose to have a large family right? So we should be able to handle it all. That’s not always the case. Most the time it is the case,but through different seasons things change.

I know this season of exhaustion is just that…a season. So much is going on and so much is changing.

Things that have happened in the last 4 weeks alone:

– started 3 of the kids in a one day a week parent/public school partnership. Which now means I have to write out their lesson plans,check in with a teacher,and send in monthly progress of our homeschooling. Next year that will be all 6 school age kids.

– Kenna’s surgery. Having a kiddo laid up without two working legs is hard. It is for the best,but it is hard. Thankfully her casts are off and she has walking boots on,but she needs a walker, and it has taken her some time to get used to walking in the boots. She continues to amaze me though at her “can do” attitude. She even told me she was ready to start doing chores again!

– Moving our ducks and chicks outside. This isn’t necessarily hard,just another thing added to the day. Including the part where I had to stop feeding Squishy last week because all 19 birds managed to get out of the fenced area….it was bound to happen sooner or later. I was hoping for thought!

– The great bedroom swap! Oh yes we did it again. Too many girls going through puberty,needing to be alone. Two little girls who still play with toys and live in fantasy lands. Yes we swapped rooms. IT IS DONE and I will not swap again until we move!!! Which by the way I have informed Brandon we’re not moving again EVER. Well unless we buy a house or the owner decides to move back here.

– My mom’s visit. She arrives tomorrow! HOORAY!!! I’m genuinely looking forward to this.


So it’s not like all these things are bad,in fact none of them are and I enjoy having them be part of my life. It is just a lot going on at one time. I’m sure I’ll adjust to it all,but in the mean time I’m exhausted. I think it’s OK for all of us to become exhausted once in awhile. It means you’re working hard and hopefully with all your heart.

In fact by the time I adjust,knowing me, I”ll add something new to the mix. So for now….Here’s To Exhaustion!!! I raise my coffee cup to you!


Happy Birthday Nathaniel!

I have officially survived my first year of having a teenager in the house! We are now onto year two…yup that’s right Nathaniel, as of 3:47 am this morning, is 14 years old!!!!

One HUGE pat on the back for this momma! I have kept my oldest alive and well and happy(well most of the time) for the last 14 years!

Party over here….Party over there…BIG OL PAT ON MY BACK!

He will still be the only teenager in the house for another year and then I will have 3 teenagers in the house….so I think I’m just gonna sit back and savor this next year.

Seeing as he is just as stubborn as his momma,and opinionated I’m not quite sure how we’ve made it but we have.

I am still amazed at the young man he has grown to be.

While most of his younger siblings will put him in his place when he gets out of line and mouthy…they still love and adore him. He is usually one of the first ones to step up and help with something as well. Whether it is moving something or carrying his sister. Of course he’s usually more helpful about it when it’s his idea and he’s not asked.

Although sometimes it obviously KILLS him to be nice!


And other times it comes very naturally!



And as you can see he is always down for goofing off!


And most of the time even when he REALLY does not want to do something he will do it. He never has a problem holding his sister but getting her dressed makes him nervous.


Happy 14th Birthday my little Turkey Butt! You’ve done your momma proud!

Wednesday Mashup

Between Kenna’s surgery and the regular happenings going on it is safe to assume….my life is normal.By normal I mean totally upside down crazy…but hey that’s how we like it here! So I present you with a Wednesday Mash Up of our life!

Kenna did fine with the surgery…now for the next 6 weeks in casts.She’s grounded pretty much to the couch until May 1st.



Even with having a friend come stay with us to help out and her other friend over constantly she has hit the “I’M SO BORED” stage. Poor girl has another week with the soft casts on.


She is in great spirits though!


Spring’s warmer weather has gotten us all acting a little bit more hyper. This was my entertainment the other night while making dinner. Excuse the bumpiness I was stirring and videotaping at the same time!


And of course we have had our nighttime ritual of putting the chicks and ducks to bed. We’re all slowly getting the hang of it…err umm well some of us are. Hey at least the neighbor kids and friends think it’s fun,Nathaniel not so much.


” Seriously mom….I don’t even know these people you call siblings.”



And THAT is how a Wednesday Mashup is done at our house!

How I Spent My Last 30 Minutes!

Soooo I actually checked out Northwest Mommy’s Monday Listicles a day early today! Her topic this week is:

The Top 10 Ways To Spend 30 Minutes

Ironically….Brandon just took Squishy to the store with him for the first time…ever. Yes this is the first time I have let little miss Adrienne out of my sight for longer than 5 minutes. She was being a little whiny and a little cryey and Brandon has had to work a lot lately so when he offered I jumped up got the diaper bag and her coat and was a little over excited.

UNTIL they walked out the door.

I had to stop myself from going back out after him.

Then they left.,..

Then I went over to the counter to grab my phone to call them and say come back and realized,


So for the last 30 minutes:

1. I wondered if I should hop in the other car and follow them.

2.Called my mom to help waste the time but she wanted to talk about what I made for dinner and I’m too anxiety filled and the thought of food was making me feel sick.

3.Check the driveway

4.Stop and perk my ears up every time I hear a car.

5.Grab my computer and decide to facebook this momentous occasion.

6.Check the driveway AGAIN.

7. Remember what this week’s Listicle is about and how perfectly it fits so hey, why not blog!

8. Remember that I KNOW Squishy is perfectly OK and probably having fun but MAN I miss her!

9. Check the driveway yet again!

10. Try to breathe and relax and wait patiently for them to get back…or try to enjoy my time apart…or what the heck who am I kidding….I’m checking the driveway again!

***I feel like I should say this has nothing  to do with the kind of parent Brandon is because he is wonderful! I just really really miss my baby!***

Going Ons at Casa La Crazy

I’m not sure how much blogging I will get done this week. Pretty sure without it meaning to this week will become the busiest week EVA!!!!

Nathaniel Lane and Holly will be starting our new adventure in schooling that next year all 6 will be doing. They will be homeschooled still but will also be attending a parent/public school partnership which is basically….they get to attend classes both at home and at this school which has classes from archery to algebra,ballet to biology,cooking to chemistry….ok ok you get the idea.They are so excited as we are as well!

Brandon has been working on fencing off the duck.chicken area in the backyard and not a moment too soon.Yesterday I walked out into the garage,while on the phone, and one of the chicks was on the top of the enclosure. So here I am talking to my aunt and talking to the chick telling it to get back in.

Then it hopped completely out so as I’m putting it back in another one hops out. At this point I tell my aunt,”Hey I have to chase a chicken. I’ll call you back!”

We got the garden beds prepared yesterday just in time for the rain to start. Yeah for the garden beds…not so yeah for Brandon who was still working outside.

I’m proud of the way the kids have jumped in to help. They haven’t always wanted to but we have heard very few grumbles. With their help we have gotten done so much quicker. Whether it has been scooping out the old chicken coop,helping with the flower beds,or watching Squishy for me so I can help outside too. Everyone has stepped up and participated in the family.I promise to post pics soon!

Speaking of Squishy….We are so not ready for this:


Or this:


And yes she did let go for a few seconds yesterday standing straight up!!!! ARGHHHHH!!! No Squishy No!

And she’s definitely ready for this:


Squishy loves blueberries especially blueberry pancakes.

We are rounding out our week with Kenna going in for surgery. She is having both legs worked on. Her calf muscles are too tight and need to be lengthened. This may explain why she was a late walker as well as explains why for the last 3 years her feet and back have been in constant pain.

So for 10 days she’ll be in soft casts and wheelchair or bed bound….then she’ll be in walking boots for 6 weeks. It’s an easy enough surgery and she needed to get it done because this summer she is going to be our little traveler instead of Nathaniel.

So if you have a couple minutes this week to stop and pray for us or just send good thoughts…please do! This momma is going to need the strength or 10,and a calmness that I don’t easily come by!



Look Out!!!! Incoming!!!!

Ms A has gotten to the fun stage of breastfeeding. She has always been a very engaged eater making sure people knew she was still in the room,getting upset if I spoke to others,or even just hitting my other breast.

I got a beautiful necklace for Christmas from Brandon with all of our kids’ names on it.It has four hearts with two names on 3 and only one on the other heart. Thankfully,it is very sturdy because it has been Adrienne’s favorite thing to hold onto while nursing


(thanks goes to the Rusted Chain for making me such a beautiful “nursing necklace”)



Until lately….now she likes to nurse while shoving her whole hand in my mouth. I have no idea why this is even comforting to her,but it is. The kids think it’s funny because they will ask me questions and try to get me to answer with my mouth full of hand.

Her latest breastfeeding trick though totally caught me off guard the first time she did it.She has done the motorcycle kick with her foot,she has attempted to hold onto my other breast while feeding,she has even managed to get up on all fours….and then,out of the blue,the other night….

She sat back on her knees,took one good look at my breast,gathered up all of her gusto,and…..

DIVE BOMB!!!!!!!

The look of pure joy on her face made me crack up in my crazy cat lady laugh.This of course led Squishy to think she was the greatest thing ever(which duh she is.),and practice it repeatedly. Both of us were thoroughly worn out in giggles,as she would dive bomb,feed,then unlatch to try again.

Of course now that she has perfected her technique on the left side,she is trying it out on the right side as well. I know I’m in for it when Squisihy gets up on her knees and starts to bounce with that big ol gummy grin.I can almost hear her shouting:


***Do you have any fun gymnurstic stories of your nursling?If so hop on over to this week’s breastfeeding blog hop with sistersncloth.***



It’s all just normal here at Casa La Crazy….

Spring Break is over and we’re halfway through our first week back at school. We’re all alive as well. Squishy is back to her normal self and well let’s just say we’ve all been a tad bit busy having fun!

all 7

(All 7 kiddos last week at the park.)

The ducks are getting huge and got their first real swimming time yesterday. Oh yes,that’s my wonderful boyfriend giving duck advice in the background. 🙂



Apparently Squishy likes ice cream…A Lot!

And she’s pretty serious when people are in her way of walking down the side of the couch,as seen here with Nathaniel. He wouldn’t move his legs so she could pull herself up and keep going and boy did she let him know about it!

I’ve been busy trying to finally hang up pictures around the house and what was supposed to be a couple hour project turned into 3 days and still not all the way done.

And last but not least the end of my 30 day no makeup challenge! After 30 days no foundation or powder I cannot see myself going back to that anytime soon. Hey I have freckles I forgot existed! Instead my new,every day make up look consists of eyeliner on the bottom,mascara,and some blush.This momma learned a lot and is very happy about it! What do you all think?

end of challenge

Yes,Yes things are quite normal here…

In Which I Whine…..I’m Sooooo Tired

Ummm good morning???


NO this is not a me without makeup post…this is a me without any good sleep over the last 48-72 hours post. Yes my hair is sticking up because well quite frankly I didn’t get a shower yesterday because God forbid Squishy be out of my sight for oh 5 minutes….

and I have another confession to make…I ate dinner the other night sitting on the toilet(lid closed of course) because the only other place Squishy was happy besides my arms was the bathtub.I ate my Carl’s Jr spicy chicken sandwich on the toilet…and yes it was good.(because let’s face it…cooking dinner was NOT gonna happen.)

It’s not that Squishy is being clingy…ok yes, yes she totally is,but at least when I hold her she’s happy. Most the time I’m happy too…unless it’s 5:30 in the morning and she has been on my boob most the night like a tick to a hound dog. Hmmm who knew I turned redneck when tired?

Where was I?Oh yes 5:30 in the morning where every time I would lay Squishy down she would bounce back up to the sitting position like a weeble wobble,and then put her arms up and cry.Pick her up and TADA crying over…give her some jug juice and zzzzzzzz back to sleep.

That’s when the grumpies snuck in a bit…the one thing I do when I’m grumpy is impersonations.Usually,of the people making me grumpy.So here I am pacing the floor hoping she’ll fall back to sleep,because my nipples are SORE and under my breath,or in my head, mimicking all the wonderful things B has said about our baby.

“She’s such an easy baby.”

Yeah because you don’t have to take the night shift and you sleep upstairs so you don’t hear anything…

“She’s the easiest baby I’ve had.”

Ha you think this is easy?Holly was a piece of cake.

Me: grumble grumble….I’m so tired I should go wake him up right now and let him take her over….I’m grumpy and tired and really just want 5 minutes of my arms to myself. If I had my arms to myself right now I would be making huge windmills….(yes yes I was a bit sleep deprived can you tell?)

Then I thought better of it. I was not going to go wake up the man who has been pulling 12 hour swing shifts all week,not getting home till 4:30 in the morning.All just so I can stay home with the kiddos. That would get us nowhere…he’s just as tired if not more,he’s been working his butt off.

So then I just start laughing….because that’s the other thing I do when I’m tired…I lose it. Hey at least I wasn’t crying.I took a step back and thought is it really that bad? Yes I have A TON of things I need to get done,but Squishy has been equally busy the last few days…crawling,pulling herself up on things,and even letting go to lunge for my legs.Soon enough she’ll be totally independent of me and I’ll be whining for another baby.

So Squishy and I settle down for a little more sleep time.I try to push the thought of all I have to do yesterday out of my mind,and accept the cold hard truth it is not going to get done.B does take her when he wakes up,and I’m able to get a couple things done before the poor guy has to rush off to another long night at work.

I really shouldn’t complain too much.Life is good. If I only have one or two of these nights every other month she really might be the easiest baby I’ve had yet.

Just PLEASE SOMEONE let me get a SHOWER!!!!

Then maybe we’ll talk about having another one…….